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Dragon Age Keep Import Save

Importing Dragon Age Origins Saves to Dragon Age 2


Importing saves from Dragon Age Origins to Dragon Age 2 is not possible in the traditional sense. There is no mechanism to directly transfer save files between the two games. The Dragon Age Keep provides a way to recreate past choices, but it is not a true save import.

Dragon Age Keep

The Dragon Age Keep is a web-based tool that allows players to make choices that affect their Dragon Age experience. These choices can then be imported into Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and future Dragon Age games.

Limitations of the Keep

The Dragon Age Keep does not allow players to import actual save files from Dragon Age Origins. Instead, players must manually recreate their choices in the Keep. This can be a time-consuming process, especially if the player has made many choices in Dragon Age Origins.

Potential Issues with the Keep

In some cases, the Keep may not accurately reflect the choices made in Dragon Age Origins. This can lead to inconsistencies in the story and gameplay of Dragon Age 2.


Importing saves from Dragon Age Origins to Dragon Age 2 is not possible in a direct way. The Dragon Age Keep provides a way to recreate past choices, but it is not a true save import. Players who want to carry their choices over to Dragon Age 2 should be aware of the limitations and potential issues with the Keep.
